Latest Past Events

Secret Science Club Presents Astrophysicist Chiara Mingarelli

The Bell House 149 7th St, Brooklyn

Gravitational waves in space-time are like ripples in a pond cause by a pebble thrown in the water—that is, if the pebble’s impact had the energy of, say, our own Sun exploding. Predicted by Einstein in […]


Drug Test: Maximizing Microdosing

Caveat 21A Clinton St, Manhattan

What are the advantages and drawbacks of microdosing? How does one measure a "sub perceptual" dose? Sarah prefers macrodosing but she'll try medium dosing live. Join Sarah Rose Siskind and […]


Equilibrium Game Night at MoMath

National Museum of Mathematics 11 E 26th St, New York

Tabletop gaming is more fun than ever!  Come join old friends and new for a fun-filled, adult evening featuring a broad array of mathematically rich games.  Enjoy classics like SET […]
