Latest Past Events

AMNH SciCafe: How to Motivate Action on Climate Change

American Museum of Natural History 175-208 79th Street, Central Park West

Find out how stories can be harnessed to motivate action on climate change. Shahzeen Attari explores how people think about energy use and climate change using methods engineering, public policy, and […]


The Science of Sleep and Dreams

Subject 188 Suffolk St, New York

We spend about a third of our lives in altered states of consciousness, commonly known as sleep. Despite spending so much of our time devoted to this activity (more than […]


Psychosexual Cinema Club: Psycho

Work Heights - Electric 650 Franklin Ave, Brooklyn

Join CUNY Professor Geoff Klock for a look at absurdly famous movies where fantasy, dreams, sexuality, identity and performance bleed in eerie ways. This week's film is "Psycho" from 1960: […]
