Secret Science Club Presents Structural Biologist Kevin Gardner

The Bell House 149 7th St, Brooklyn, NY, United States

The human body is made of trillions of cells. Inside each cell, it’s as busy as the subway system with a dismaying array of routes, signals, and ever-moving parts. Exploring these teeny-tiny living labyrinths is the mission of modern-day micronauts like Kevin Gardner. A biochemist and biophysicist, Kevin Gardner has been unlocking the secrets inside cells for over two decades. As he dives into this microscopic world, he visualizes how all-important cellular proteins look […]


Ultra-Spooky Action at a Distance: From Quantum Materials in the Lab to Black Holes

Simons Foundation 160 5th Ave, New York, NY, United States

The strangest feature of quantum theory was dubbed “spooky action at a distance” by Albert Einstein. Today, scientists have convincing evidence that two quantum particles far apart can entangle with each other such that the observation of one can instantaneously determine the state of the other. In this lecture, Subir Sachdev will describe how this […]


Lauren Silbert: The Neuroscience of Communication and Its Social Implications

New York Society for Ethical Culture 2 W 64th St, New York, NY, United States

Lauren Silbert, PhD, is a neuroscientist, educator, and installation scientist. Her work explores the neural correlates underlying communication, where she has developed new analytical tools to study the interaction between brains. She creates novel educational curricula and builds public installations that integrate her research with technology, environment, and interactive participation to facilitate understanding across society. […]


It’s Time to Expand Nuclear Power with Bill Nye

French Institute Alliance Francaise (FIAF) 55 E 59th St, New York, NY, United States

For decades, the development of nuclear power has sparked staunch debate among scientists, politicians, and activists alike. For its proponents, the promise of nuclear energy is clear: It's the most effective means of reducing greenhouse gases and combating climate change while still meeting the world's growing demand for energy. And to date, nuclear energy produces […]


A Centennial of Asimov

NomadWorks Annex 1204 Broadway, New York, NY, United States

Isaac Asimov's business card read "natural resource," and he was. Author or editor of nearly 500 books, polymath, and science fictional icon, he was also a member of Mensa. January 2, 2020, is the centennial of his birth. Ian Randal Strock worked with Isaac for the last three years of his life, and got to […]
