Latest Past Events

Music and the Brain

Splash That HQ 233 Broadway 28th Floor, New York

A “Brain Bar” salon is a gathering of like-minded individuals convening to celebrate people within the brain community, share stories and expand perspectives through the power of conversation, curated speakers, […]


Rap and the Italian Renaissance

This Olio event explores the parallels between Netflix's series Hip Hop Evolution and the canonical narrative of Renaissance Art History. What can we learn through this comparison? Were Biggie Smalls and […]


Debbie Harry: Face It (with Chris Stein and Rob Roth)

The Town Hall 123 West 43rd Street, New York

Join Blondie frontwoman Debbie Harry for an illuminating evening as she introduces her long-anticipated memoir, FACE IT (Dey Street, October 1, 2019). Featuring an in-depth conversation, photos, a visual presentation […]
